
Why accurate sales performance data is crucial for Finance leaders, and ways to get it right!

In today’s world, company sales data is typically scattered across different systems and spreadsheets creating a myriad of challenges for businesses. Now, more than ever, CFOs are being chartered with more strategic responsibilities within organisations that go beyond traditional finance functions and it is imperative that finance leaders have access to accurate sales data to navigate these responsibilities.

What every company has in common is the increasing demand to adapt, change and learn. For Finance, that can mean having insight into newly anticipated expenses, enhancing cross-functional planning and working to understand fundamental technology and industry shifts in the current climate.

In this interactive round table designed for Finance leaders we will discuss the key challenges faced by finance due to disparate data, the value of improving it and how technology can give you the confidence that your numbers are true and accurate.

Join Xactly and fellow executives to discuss strategy, hear new ideas, and create new ways of working to unleash your sales potential.

Key Points Include:

  • How Xactly customer, Westcon, created consistent commission plans across Europe and have partnered with Xactly to automate commissions and improve their sales performance
  • The importance of accurate sales performance data and how your business is currently accessing it.
  • Centralised vs Regionalised approaches to sales performance management.
  • How to achieve better visibility into sales performance and commission payments with new technologies.
  • Harnessing the power of AI when connected to true sales performance


Thursday 16th July 2020
Thursday 16th July
14:30Welcome & Introductions

14:40Interactive Discussion: "Why accurate sales performance data is crucial for Finance leaders, and ways to get it right!"

Chris Wong, Vice President, Finance Operations, Westcon
Will Laurence, Benelux Enterprise Accounts, Xactly
15:45Q&A Session & Wrap-up
Request an invitation Book now
