Upcoming Live Events
In a hyperconnected world with the far-reaching power of digital, social and mobile media; the customer is king. Harnessing the customer experience, with personalisation and brand development in an all mobile, all social world and becoming more data and content driven means CMOs are on an evolving journey of transforming marketing to a growth engine though customer insight.
The CFO Network will explore the new paradigm of the role of the CFO and how the modern Finance Leader can embrace new technologies and business models, resulting in an ever-greater contribution to strategic policy direction, driving transformation and growth as well as value.
In addition to the ever-changing issues around governance and compliance, organisations are falling victim to increasingly sophisticated threats. It has become a balancing act for CISOs today to protect data and manage vulnerability whilst under unprecedented scrutiny to comply with regulation; what systems to consider and what resource to allocate.
The Chief Data Officer Network brings together the most innovative Data Officers to share their insights and strategies, gain advantages and plan for the future. Workshops will examine the latest technology and evaluate cutting edge tools.
The CIO Network gathers the most innovative IT Leaders from the world’s largest organisations to network, share best practice and discuss the current and future challenges and opportunities arising from the latest technology.
The Chief Revenue Officer Network brings together the most innovative Chief Revenue, Commercial and Sales Officers from the largest enterprises to network, share best practice and discuss the current and future challenges and opportunities arising from the latest technology.