
70% of risk management professionals characterise their organisation as moderately to highly dependent on external entities, whilst 59% of companies have experienced a third-party data breach… yet only 16% of companies say they effectively mitigate third-party risk.

As digital transformation expands organisations’ third-party ecosystems, cybercriminals look to exploit vulnerabilities in these ecosystems and the scope and complexity of today’s third-party ecosystems make it harder to identify and manage related security, access, compliance and resiliency risks.

Join peers for an executive virtual roundtable on the subject of third party risk in complex ecosystems within organisations such as yours; featuring insights from the expert team at RSA and an interactive discussion under Chatham House rules.

The discussions will cover:

  • The challenges with managing third parties in the age of digital transformation
  • Best practices for managing third party risk
  • How to implement a programmatic approach to identify, catalog, assess, treat and monitor third-party risk and performance
  • Ramifications of the Consultation Paper | CP29/19 Operational resilience: Impact tolerances for important business services December 2019

Your delegate package includes:

  • Virtual roundtable discussion
  • Interactive Q&A session
  • £25 Uber Eats voucher

Ticket Price: VIP Complimentary


Wednesday 16th September 2020
Thursday 16th July
17:00Welcome & Introductions

17:10Interactive Discussion: "Third Party Risk in Complex Ecosystems"

Angel Grant, Director Risk Solutions, RSA
18:15Q&A Session & Wrap-up
Request an invitation Book now
