
Join Panorays to discuss InfoSec, IT risk and digital supply chain management professionals know the key to minimizing the risk of third-party breaches is to implement a comprehensive and efficient third-party security risk management (TPRSM) process. Panorays discusses the increasing challenges surrounding third-party security as well as ways to efficiently and effectively manage the TPSRM process.

  • Why is third-party security so much more challenging (and more important) than it used to be?
  • What are some of the must-haves that CISOs should be sure are included in their third-party security risk management process?
  • What are some common cyber gaps that are often found in third parties?
  • What role does business context play when assessing a third party’s security posture?
  • How can CISOs ensure that their third parties comply with regulatory requirements?
  • What is a reasonable amount of time that it should take to thoroughly assess a new vendor’s security?
  • What role does automation play in third-party security?
  • What is the best way for organizations to communicate with their vendors and remediate cyber gaps?
  • What role do questionnaires and document requests play, when it’s possible to assess a third party’s attack surface with an automated platform?
  • How can a CISO ensure that the relationship with a third party starts on the “right foot?”

Speaker, Dov Goldman, Director of Risk and Compliance.

Dov has years of experience in the third-party risk and compliance field, as well as a long history as a serial entrepreneur, software and network engineer. Dov focuses on the evolving best practices and industry standards in third-party management and regulatory compliance. Previously, Dov was VP of innovation at Opus, director of product marketing at Navigant, and founder and CEO of Cognet Corp and Dynalog Technologies. Dov has spoken at industry events around the world and has been quoted in numerous industry press articles, as well as The Wall Street Journal, about information security and privacy.



Tuesday 8th November 2022
14:00Welcome and Introductions
14:50Questions and Answers
15:00End of Event
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