
The digital transformation is a major change to your organisation and business. It means more software, and that means more software risk. The cloud means that your infrastructure is now part of your application, blurring the lines on who is responsible for security. And DevOps has accelerated the deployment of software.

But where does this leave your security practice? Overwhelmed, in the way and under-informed. If your security practices are going to keep pace with the digital transformation of your business, you need to throw out the decades-old security playbook, start empowering and trusting developers to be the front-line of your security practice, and employing security tools that suit this bottom-up revolution in how you build secure software.

Join your fellow industry peers and Thomas Owen, Head of Information Security & Risk at Snyk for this interactive virtual roundtable discussion.

The discussion will cover:

  • Why the old ways of doing security don’t mesh with the way we build apps today
  • The dev-first security practices that can cut risk without harming agility
  • The new tools and the shift in mindset that these changes demand


Wednesday 30th September 2020
Thursday 30th July
16:00Welcome & Introductions

16:10Interactive Discussion: "Maintaining Security During Digital Transformation"

Facilitator: Alyssa Miller, Application Security Advocate at Snyk
17:15Q&A Session & Wrap-up
Request an invitation Book now
