
Join a select group of CFOs from global enterprises along with a panel of experts and explore how your peers are mitigating business disruption and enabling the business to take faster actions under the constraints of a remote workforce and recessionary economy.

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, organisations are looking for ways to mitigate impacts that could have a long-tail effect on their business. How you, as a business leader, navigate these challenges will determine whether your business will emerge stronger or succumb to shifting demands.

The Finance and Accounting function carries a significant burden: your team needs to maintain stability of financial operations​, assess risk exposure, ensure adequate liquidity, and provide revised guidance to internal and external stakeholders​. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss with other senior finance executives how to equip your team with the tools to achieve these goals.

Let’s talk:

  • How the pandemic has affected your business
  • Managing through unforeseen global shocks and business disruptions
  • Strategies to ensure business resilience in a post-COVID-19 world
  • Adopting new technologies to get better and faster data insights for business decisions
  • Improving finance operations to drive efficiency and control
  • Best use cases for automation in Finance & Accounting
  • Automation stories from global enterprises

Your Delegate Package Includes:

  • Interactive virtual roundtable discussion
  • Complimentary bottle of wine
  • Uber Eats voucher

Ticket Price: VIP Complimentary


Thursday 6th August 2020
Thursday 30th July
16:00Welcome & Introductions

16:10Interactive Discussion: "Establishing Business Resilience in Finance & Accounting"

Ken Mertzel, Global Industry Leader, Financial Services - Ken brings over 25 years of experience in the Financial Services industry, previously serving as a CFO at Bank of America, and in senior finance roles at Accenture and Progressive Insurance.

Nicola Jones, Strategic Account Director – with 20 years working collaboratively with the BFSI market Nicky helps large organisations achieve success in a hugely competitive and evolving environment.
17:15Q&A Session & Wrap-up
Request an invitation Book now
