
2020 taught us that crises can occur in unexpected ways and that supply chains can easily be exposed to unimagined vulnerabilities and though most gaps were filled by midyear, the value of good supplier visibility at all tiers, using robust technology systems, and thinking beyond “lean” inventory strategies to avoid stockouts has become critical. This year is not going to be easy either with different set of challenges demanding complete supply chain visibility as table-stakes.

How can companies

  1. Build resilience in their system to battle impending and unforeseen crises via a digital supply chain
  2. Prepare for an updated business continuity plan with trusted and secure systems suited the host of new threats and challenges
  3. Increasing demand variability while fulfilling the customer promise
  4. Capacity constraints in throughput, resources, Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers and logistics

Join IBM and your industry peers as we explore some of these challenges and the ways we are looking forward to a new year of supply chain successes.

Subject Matter Expert:

Levine Naidoo, IBM

Levine is a world-wide frictionless business and supply chain evangelist and has worked on multiple initiatives of economic significance across a number of geographies. Levine has substantial experience introducing change and driving adoption in mass markets. Levine’s passion is to reduce business friction through the use of disruptive technologies and the application of international standards across traditional and information supply chains and ecosystems.  He is also a member of several OASIS standards committees.



Thursday 5th August 2021
Thursday 5th August 2021
11:30am ISTWelcome and Introductions
11:40am ISTGroup Interactive Discussion
12:55pm ISTClosing Remarks
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