
The last 18 months have been a whirlwind of digital transformation, acceleration, and innovation. Businesses across all sectors have taken steps towards connecting with consumers through the use of messaging and automation. And it’s clear why.

Customer experience is everything in the digital world, and brands can no longer afford cold and transactional experiences. Transactions must become conversations. Those conversations must extend over the whole course of the customer lifecycle to provide a seamless and personalised experience.


Join LivePerson to celebrate the journeys taken by some of its most customer centric partners, how they created new opportunities for their people, and how they are closer to their customers than ever before thanks to messaging and automation.

We’ll be joined by Oliver Fordham, Senior Product Owner – Messaging, Chat and BOT to share insights into Nationwide’s journey.

The building society’s commitment to putting members first has never been stronger. As consumer expectations started to shift years ago, the team looked at digital alternatives that were close to their core beliefs. For the last three years, they’ve built a full scale offering giving members the choice of how to connect. Oliver will outline, how they navigated internal and external stakeholders, automation, data privacy and security challenges to meet members where they are.


Tuesday 14th December 2021
Tuesday 14th December
3:00pm GMTWelcome
3:05pm GMTFrom Transaction to Conversation: The Conversational customer lifecycle, Jerry Haywood, SVP EMEA

3:20pm GMTNationwide: Fireside Chat: Putting members at the heart of every conversation, Oliver Fordham, Senior Product Owner - Messaging, Chat and BOT with Nathan Rogers, LivePerson
3:40pm GMTQ&A
4:00pm GMTClosing Remarks
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