
Why attend?

Average of 2.6. That’s how many devices each of your employees uses every day to do their job. Most of them swap seamlessly between assets as well, starting their work on one and finishing on another. Often, those include their personal devices, which is not surprising when 71% of employees and IT professionals in the UK agree they could be more productive if they had different tools.

Today, employees’ expectations from technology are significantly different and they continue to evolve. Flexibility, connectivity and seamlessness of working with tech is vital, yet only 24% of British IT leaders prioritise employee experience when selecting new tech tools.

Add to that different networks they use. With only 13% of employees wishing to work exclusively from the office, security of your hybrid teams becomes a priority. But employee experience and security shouldn’t be a zero-sum model. After all, enhancing one results in improvement in the other.

The shift in our working environments elevates digital employee experience (DEX) management to the top of IT’s agenda. What does this mean to your team? Where should you focus first to improve your DEX? How can you measure your progress?

During this event we will discuss some of the most important insights from Ivanti’s Digital Employee Experience survey. We will consider what these trends mean to IT leaders and C-level executives, and how they can help facilitate DEX.

Together, we will tackle these questions:

  • Why is the focus on employee experience critical in driving productivity, security and talent retention in the hybrid workplace?
  • Where is the misalignment in perceptions of productivity between employees and leadership, and how to bridge this gap?
  • How to effectively address workforce expectations and measure DEX improvement?
  • What are the focus areas for moving towards a proactive approach to employee experience beyond just IT, spanning over other areas of the business?


Thursday 20th April 2023
18:00Welcome drinks reception
18:30Welcome & Introductions by Ivanti
18:40Key-Note Discussion - The Future of Work – Prioritizing the Employee Experience
19:15Conversation - Solution Sharing over dinner
21:00Event close
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