
“Cybersecurity – Is An Infinite Battlefield”

The unstoppable digitization of our work, but also our private everyday life, makes our lives flexible in an unprecedented way. However, this freedom also harbors unexpected risks.

Due to the constantly changing and improving attack variants on APIs, apps and IoT – on premises or in the cloud – companies are in a constant race with attackers and have to eliminate security gaps faster than they arise and can be exploited.

As part of our F5 Solution Day, we focus on these challenges. Using the latest IT security, performance and automation technologies, we will show you how your company’s security strategy makes life difficult for attackers. Don’t let hackers enjoy their work!

Network with other experts and users and take the opportunity to exchange ideas personally. You are not alone! Discuss the current topics in different sessions as well as at a joint dinner and exchange ideas with our specialists.

Listen to CEO François Locoh-Donou’s keynote “Making cyber risks a live experience” at F5.

Meet Dan Woods, former FBI and CIA cyber agent and current Head of Global Intelligence at F5.

Talk to Marco Di Filippo , one of the best ethical hackers , or to the experienced F5 security expert Stephan Schulz .

Break-out sessions on the challenges of today’s multiple infrastructures, modern security solutions in the application environment and application modernization enable you to deepen these topics with our experts.


To protect your health 
There are currently no official corona restrictions for events, but this can change depending on the infection rate. We are following the advice of the local authorities at the time of the event. This can include a mask-wearing requirement and social distancing. Other measures include improved ventilation, shorter cleaning intervals and the provision of more disinfectant dispensers. If you want to be on the safe side: there is also a corona test station.


Wednesday 18th January 2023
11:00 - 12:30Registration, Snacks and Drinks
12:30 - 12:40Opening of the F5 Solution Day
12:40 - 13:00Bringing intelligence and real-time changes to the world of application deployment
13:00 - 14:00Overcoming cybersecurity threats
14:30 - 15:15Digital threat reality check
15:30 - 16:15Live demo: Protecting your organization from a cyberattack
16:30 - 17:30Breakout sessions
17:30 - 17:45Summary of the day
18:00 - 23:00Networking night with F5
Look forward to an evening of food, drinks and networking at the Wasserwerk in Berlin.
Transport to the location is provided.
Request an invitation Book now
