The Benelux CIO Network gathers the most innovative IT Leaders from the largest enterprises across the Benelux region to network, share best practice and discuss the current and future challenges and opportunities arising from the latest technology in a private, closed door environment.


In recent years, the IT team has experienced urgent introductions of new platforms and technologies, shifting risk exposure, and an upheaval of digital and IT pipelines. Alongside the rapidly advancing landscape of technical capabilities, and the growing potential for the CIO to be a driver of business success, the demands of the CIO have come to a head.

With CIOs across the Benelux region immersed in both long and short-term planning, engraining agility and spearheading the strategic development of culture and cost-control for continued profitability, it’s a time for reconfiguring the company’s needs, acting on a new stage in the board room, and striving to utilise new technologies for better practice and stronger business resilience.

The Benelux CIO Network will lay bare the plans, and pains, of IT’s thought-leaders, to apply to the requirements of businesses across industry.

Time is maximised onsite through a combination of:


Where, when and how to apply AI and robotics

Room for creativity: Outside-the-box application of modern technology

Role of IT and technology in business sustainability

Gaining from governance: Cost- and time-effective data management strategies

Risks and rationalisation of your cloud services

Proving business-value of your team and technologies

Upgrading the customer experience through predictive analytics and digital transformation

How to overcome your legacy systems when applying new technology and processes

Aligning your security teams with digital projects

Team culture and skills development: Optimising your productivity

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