
Reducing operational costs whilst increasing customer value and making new markets are priorities for most organizations.

By introducing “digital workers” as new colleagues to your “human workers” to reach a new balance between automated and manual work, this can be achieved. We call it Intelligent Automation. It is about letting humans do what humans do best, and machines do what machines do best. But not any machine. Intelligent machines powered by AI and fuelled with data. Many organisations already took their first steps on this path by automating tasks through RPA technology. They are seeing the benefits at small scale, but the big gains are to be reached on enterprise scale.

During this virtual roundtable you will hear about the do’s and don’ts to make Business Automation a success through a real case presentation. Together with your peers you will have ample opportunity to share learnings and get inspired by the value created by the combination of automation and of AI, to make every interaction, experience and process more intelligent.

Discussion Topics

  • What are the  main challenges to scale automation?
  • What are the main challenges and drivers to scale automation?
  • How good do companies know their processes, and optimize them timely?
  • Dream: five years from now, how should companies in your industry operate?


Robbie de Coster, Benelux Automation Services Leader, IBM

Robbie is passionate about helping organizations to free up time of people so that they can work on things that really matters. He has led numerous automation transformation programs for organizations in the Benelux across different industries. His main area of expertise is advising clients how to uncover value, accelerate implementation and build competitive advantage by combining different technologies such as process mining, RPA, Workflow, AI, and Data.

Marcel Osterwald, Digital Business Automation Solution Consultant, IBM

Marcel works as a solution consultant at IBM since 2008. Initially in the Enterprise Content Management domain and now, since the merger with Digital Process Automation, in Business Automation. In this area, which includes components such as capture and content services; records management; process and case management; automated decision; robotic process automation and much more, he advises clients on their application in their daily practice. Before this, he worked for 12 years in output management and customer communications management. And before that, he was active as an employee for Standards & Methods for aircraft manuals of an aircraft manufacturer.

Donald Seymour, Sales Leader for Business Automation – IBM EMEA 

Don Seymour has worked for IBM since 1999 and been based in Prague, Czech Republic since 2010. Don has has worked for multiple divisions of IBM across various geographies and functions, such as application development, product development, software sales and management. Don is currently responsible for IBM’s Business Automation business in EMEA and is passionate about the application of process automation combined with AI, in both innovative and practical applications to help support his client’s success with IBM’s solutions.


Thursday 17th June 2021
Thursday 17th June 2021
2:00pm CETWelcome and Introductions
2:05pm CETIBM Point of View: How AI-powered Automation improves the performance of an organisation.

Robbie de Coster, IBM Benelux Automation Services Leader
Marcel Osterwald, Digital Business Automation Solution Consultant, IBM
2:20pm CETLearnings and recommendations from use case implementations on Business Automation.

Donald Seymour, Sales Leader for Business Automation - IBM EMEA
2:35pm CETInteractive Discussion
3:30pm CETClosing Remarks
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