
In-store shopping is back. But shoppers still rely on social media and websites to buy. We know that customers continue to experience friction points like disjointed checkout experiences, lack of sales support, and difficult discovery journeys, which make it harder for customers to complete a purchase.According to a Deloitte Digital study, 3 in 5 consumers say they would abandon their favourite brand after a bad customer service experience (source).

With so much intense competition, brands need to focus on building unique experiences and connections. With the stakes higher than ever and following the flurry of monthly “double day” sales such as 9.9, 10.10, 11.11, 12.12 and Singles’ Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday sales and of course Christmas – what have brands learnt about managing expectations and orders, on limited staff resources and shipping delay issues to address? The Chinese New Year shopping season is just around the corner. How can brands make the sales season a more, personalised, engaged and exciting shopping experience, and cash in?

Join LivePerson and your peers as we discuss how the world’s leading brands are leveraging rich, convenient messaging channels, coupled with intelligent automation to overcome staffing limitations and scale with ease during unpredictable fluctuations in demand and resources to help with fulfilment.

Discussion Topics:

  • How has the shift in where and how customers buy impacted your CX strategy?
  • What adjustments did you make to your operations to drive efficiency and sales opportunities?
  • What initiatives are you working on to provide better online-offline-online experiences? How have you pivoted so far?
  • How are you handling the increase in after sales support (delivery status, lost orders, returns, refunds, technical queries, warranties, etc.)
  • How are you dealing with generation mute?
  • Where are you seeing the biggest opportunities for improving your CX strategy to succeed in the hybrid shopping world in 2022?


Kevin Wordon, Client Partner LivePerson




Friday 21st January 2022
Friday 21st January
10:00am SGTWelcome & Introductions

10:10am SGTInteractive Discussion
10:55am SGTFinal Thoughts and Closing Remarks
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