
Travel has been oscillating on and off for some time now. Travellers are willing to take on the additional effort and uncertainty with the changing pandemic restrictions and regulations, but at the same time – they are nervous and frustrated by it. Their airline tends to bear the brunt of their eventuating frustrations – especially when a seemingly simple request could mean an 8 hour call wait time, or an irate conversation with a bot. 

Do airlines have it right in terms of which services they empower customers to take on, and are they being offered in the right channels at the right time? More importantly –  are the services on offer scalable in a way that maintains quality standards? Intelligent automation, coupled with a human touch EQ allows customers to not only get a fast resolution, but also have a pleasant and personalised experience.

Join LivePerson and other thought-leading peers to discuss how AI-powered messaging can help solve up to 80% of requests.

Discussion topics:

  • Which part of the passenger CX do you believe can be taken on by the customers? What technologies have you explored to support this?
  • What might need to change for the team to realise these opportunities?
  • How can we deliver a more humanised digital experience to improve CX and operational efficiency? 


Harm Ellens, Principal Consultant APAC, LivePerson

Harm Ellens is LivePerson’s Principal Consultant in the Asia-Pacific region. He advises organizations on the trustworthy and economical deployment of messaging, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). His work covers both private industry and public service. Harm is the Chairman of the Industry Advisory Committee at the School of Mathematics at Melbourne RMIT, represents Australia in the establishment of global AI standards through the International Standards Organization, and performs voluntary leadership roles in a number of community organizations.


Friday 8th April 2022
Friday 18th March
10:00 SGTWelcome & Introductions

10:10 SGTInteractive Discussion
10:55 SGTFinal Thoughts and Closing Remarks
Request an invitation Book now
